"You didn't give me these arms, but you gave them a family to hold.
You didn't give me my body but you've truly shaped my soul. Your love has given me wings and how my spirit soars. Knowing that I always will be yours. Forever and for always I am yours."

Monday, December 26, 2011

Who Gifted Us Their Christmas Jar??

Our village is a giving and selfless village! We woke up Christmas morning to find two Christmas Jars sitting in front of our door. What is a Christmas Jar you ask? Well, it is a jar that someone has used to collect spare change throughout the year. At Christmas they decide to share this with someone that can really use the donation.

There was no note or name attached to our beautiful jars so we don't know and likely never will the name of this kind benefactor. We believe they chose to help 2 little orphaned children in China who are about to figuratively step into a new future. With this help they may someday WALK in that future too! We are so blessed. Beyond what we deserve. My children saw the jars and immediately planned to return the blessing to someone else next year.

Today Lan and I went to Walmart to the 50% of Christmas section and I saw these perfect little tins with American scenes on them that were MADE IN THE USA that we can fill with required presents for the Chinese adoption officials when we travel. There were also gorgeous gift bags all marked 50% off. I was adding up in my head what was left of our tattered budget and my friend Joyce finds me still in the aisle. After some welcomed chatter she pulls a $50 from her purse and tells me she has been thinking about me and the girls and wants to help. Such a generous gift....and into the cart and off to China will go the tins purchased through the donation of another villager. Bless you Joyce!

I am posting a photo of our kids getting their special treat jars from Grandma Carol. Inside are the worlds most magnificent chocolate chip cookies ever baked. Life is sweet. So very sweet.

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