"You didn't give me these arms, but you gave them a family to hold.
You didn't give me my body but you've truly shaped my soul. Your love has given me wings and how my spirit soars. Knowing that I always will be yours. Forever and for always I am yours."

Monday, March 26, 2012

We have one boss and one who wishes not to be bossed

I don't need to speak Chinese to understand siblingese.  It is very clear that Jaeya is the boss and that Meisyn does not wish to be harnessed.  I was told that Jaeya has helped take care of the babies for the past many years.  She has forgotten that she is a child.  Our biggest challenge will be to teach her to be a kid.  It will come.  But, the look on her face when she told Meisyn she could not open her stickers and I overruled and said that Meisyn indeed could was amusing but I stifled my chuckle.

Wendy Ritz will get a memorable giggle over this but Jaeya left the cap off the green marker and there ended up and very large green circle of ink in the white down comforter.  Jaeya was clearly worried and pointed to Lan and I am confident tried to tell me it was Lan's fault.  LOL!  Lan took it like a champ and gave me a knowing grin and we talked about her chivalry as we scrubbed the comforter in the sink.  Out came the stain much to Jaeya's relief.

I will post about the Adoption paperwork today but Makayla and Lan are across the street at the mall and I am hearing "Mother!  Mother! about every 5 seconds.  They haven't been able to use that word for too many years and they get to use it over and over and over and over as is their due.  It is still a pleasant sound.

Their bodies are even worse than I had imagined.  We have so much work ahead of us and the Shriner's team.  Meisyn has absolutely no use of her body below her trunk.  She is one floppy and flexible child.  She can't sit without support and that I think we can address.  Walking?  I have seen Shriners work miracles and they will have to pull one out of their hats for Meisyn.

Jaeya is good about knowing how to undress and giving me instructions of what to take off first and how.  It was my first day trying to hold her gently in one arm and slip down her pants and panties and get her on the toilet.  The harder part is holding her again in my right arm and sliding the clothing back up without squeezing her.  She is very fragile.  Her ribcage, elbows, knees and shoulders are twisted and assymetrical.  I am very interested what Shriner's response will be at the sight of her xrays.  She has the most affecting smile.  But she has been hurting a long time and is scared of being moved as that hasn't worked out so well in the past.

Both girls are marvelous beyond words and have been so loved.  Meisyn spend a half hour brushing her teeth with her electric Dora toothbrush.  Jaeya told her she needed to stop because she didn't have any toothpaste but again I let them know Meisyn could brush as long as she wanted.

Jaeya and Meisyn are kind, helpful, friendly and so eager to try English.  I am confident that they will pick it up quickly. Life is very, very good!!  And we are very, very tired!

Love to everyone.  Please say prayers for Ammon. He ended up in the ER after a seizure on the playground and a split open chin.  Three seizures this week.  I think having mom and Makayla away has thrown him off his game a bit but Dad is home and capably handling things.  We love him!!!!!  Thank you Daddy!


  1. Stefani.. I love the pictures! Your daughters are beautiful! Praying for Ammon. Love to you all, Karen

    1. Our prayers and hearts are with both you and your amazing husband and children at home.

  2. You're going to get a lot of joy out of giving these sweet girls what they need. It will probably be a long learning experience even for the doctors, but I bet you'll see miracles happen. We adopted two girls that were burned. One had deformed and crippled feet so much that she couldn't wear shoes, but now she walks, climbs and runs.
