"You didn't give me these arms, but you gave them a family to hold.
You didn't give me my body but you've truly shaped my soul. Your love has given me wings and how my spirit soars. Knowing that I always will be yours. Forever and for always I am yours."

Monday, April 2, 2012

We have no blog access.....booo

We are so bummed and have 15 minutes to borrow a computer.  we crashed our hard drive and need a boot disk.  I can't get on to blog without a VPN due to China's Great Firewall so borrowing one from a friend who is leaving for Beijing in minutes.

We have all sorts of adventures to share and if you go to my Facebook page you can get a short updates.  Guess it will be pictures and more when I return home.  So sorry you couldn't take the journey minute by minute with us. 

But we are all well.  the girls are noisy, chatty, happy for the most part and really starting to understand shopping.  hahaha!  Jaeya told the guide today she needs more shoes.  we only bought three pair yesterday from Sherry's Place.  A girl and her shoes.

The paperwork has all been signed and all the appointments completed.  We just wait for the girls visas to be issued on thursday.  it feels so awesome to finally be here. 

we now have 2 days that we can slow down and do laundry and sleep. 

Love to all of you my dear friends and family.


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