"You didn't give me these arms, but you gave them a family to hold.
You didn't give me my body but you've truly shaped my soul. Your love has given me wings and how my spirit soars. Knowing that I always will be yours. Forever and for always I am yours."

Monday, April 9, 2012

Cruising the Pearl River At Night

 Note that pictures of Jaeya will be noticeably missing.  She is panicked to the point of hysteria about water.  She was a VERY good sport and did go on the boat but stayed planted in a seat at the dinner tables with ever gentle Kathy.

We missed getting pictures of the best part of the show.  Ms Makayla decided to come off the deck at the end of the clown show which was closing to the blaring music of Ricky Martin.  As a farewell treat to all those who were on board she danced in the middle of the floor taking a shocked teenaged Chinese bystander with her.  Beyonce would have gotten a kick out of the interpretation I dare say.  The poor clown was dramatically overshadowed.

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