"You didn't give me these arms, but you gave them a family to hold.
You didn't give me my body but you've truly shaped my soul. Your love has given me wings and how my spirit soars. Knowing that I always will be yours. Forever and for always I am yours."

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Girl And A Chair

There was a girl who had a chair.  The chair supported her as she watched the world go by.  Year after year she sat in the background and waited.

Then an amazing thing happened.  She was adopted!!  Now her beloved family and gentle new friends support her.  Life has opened and she is free to experience the joys of the world.  Still a girl and a chair, but not the same girl.  No, not the same at all.


  1. What a pretty little thing she is!

  2. So beautiful and wonderful! The deep joy and security that is now a part of her life just radiates so brightly from her sweet face!
