"You didn't give me these arms, but you gave them a family to hold.
You didn't give me my body but you've truly shaped my soul. Your love has given me wings and how my spirit soars. Knowing that I always will be yours. Forever and for always I am yours."

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

MRI results.....

We got the call from the neurologist this morning about Meisyn's sedated brain and spine MRI taken taken last week.  Much to everyone's surprise it is basically NORMAL.  There is a retina/brain concern that comes out of left field.  We have been referred to our pediatric opthomologist who has put glasses on most of the Ellison children already.  Jaeya needs to go too because she goes cross eyed...ALOT.

There is also Meisyn's severe scoliosis that shows up on the MRI but we already knew that was there.

So, it is now Shriner's turn to figure out what may be the reason for MEISYN's complete floppiness from the waist down as well the contracture of her hands.  We see Shriners on 6/7.   I am so grateful that it doesn't appear to be any degenerative muscle or brain issue but we are still absolutely stumped by our little Meisyn's medical needs.

 I am very anxious to see Jaeya's full body x-rays.  The outside clearly shows years of broken bones.  The inside will be stunningly revealing I believe.

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