"You didn't give me these arms, but you gave them a family to hold.
You didn't give me my body but you've truly shaped my soul. Your love has given me wings and how my spirit soars. Knowing that I always will be yours. Forever and for always I am yours."

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Jaeya finally gets the family she cried to have...

Tonight as I finished up with thank you cards to mail tomorrow on our way to the airport, I received an email from the woman who first started the hearts and hands in motion to get Jaeya registered for adoption and into our family.  She told me something I had never heard and which just breaks my heart. 

They visited with her in 2006 when adopting their son.  As they prepared to leave, Jaeya began to cry and choked out, “I want a family, too.  And, because of my sickness, I cannot be considered for adoption.”  This kind woman went on to say, "Afterwards, I myself knew she was there, and no one else might ever know how she felt ~ she wanted a family, and the least I could do is fight for her.  When another concerned worker with LWB initially inquired about her, the orphanage staff replied, “Who would want the poor thing?”. 

Well, we absolutely ache and yearn for our brave girl to come home.  She is completely what we want.  She is going to touch our spirits and our family in ways only she can.  And I know that her orphanage staff has loved her and worried over her.  They just didn't know that there are families for the children who wait.  EVERY CHILD deserves this chance and we praise our Heavenly Father that we were able to give this child as well as our sweet Meisyn the wish of their little hearts.  Their wish to be wanted, accepted, and included into their very own family.


  1. You got namechecked!! On a cool blog!!


  2. Can't wait to finally see your girls with their mommy!!! Hope all is going well in China.
